The Visionary

The visionary, sculpture artist, the brain behind the model making art and the pioneer of model making industry in India Mr. Dattatraya Anant Godse. A professional sculpture artist from Sir J.J.SCHOOL OF ARTS, Mumbai. The chief model maker for Mumbai Municipal Corporation, Mr. Godse was blessed with a creative mind. He possessed tremendous visualization power and infectious zeal for his art.

Under an architect with Mumbai Municipal Corporation he started making various Miniature 3D models for Municipal Corporation for their upcoming projects in Mumbai. Being a Master sculpture using any material be it sand, plaster of paris he used carve critical designs using different tools and tackles. Lack of availability of material did not discourage him / deter him from creating master piece. Using different materials wood, plaster of paris , metal wires he used to achieve the exact shape , design as per the client’s needs. Eye for detailing and to give his clients their money’s worth, he never compromised for the quality.

He always believed in to be a successful model maker you should have 3 P’s in you Patience, Perseverance and Practice. Gentleman who never worked for the monetary benefits but always gave his best by creating excellent master pieces to suit client’s best interest.

In 1970, his biggest dream turned into reality in the form of partnership firm, the DAGSON ART in association with his sons Mr. SHARAD GODSE and Mr. MANOHAR GODSE.

In early 80’s and 90’s during the industrial revolution in India there was a huge demand for 3D Miniature Models. Introduction of plastics in India gave different dimension to the miniature world.

The Beginning

Using different types of available plastics it opens a new era in model making industry. Acrylic, styrene plastics helped to achieve difficult shapes and size due to its properties. Not being from engineering background but with the help of engineers, and tremendous visualization power Dagson Art slowly and steadily progressing and becoming leaders in the miniature industry.

DAGSON ART is known in industry circles for specializing in Architectural, Industrial as well as Engineering Plant models created with the best materials to suit the client’s best interests. Using industrial scale models designed by DAGSON ART, entrepreneurs communicate their ideas to the minutest detail to Financers, Investors and Consultants. Always eager to take on challenges of an evolving and demanding market, DAGSON ART has marched forward to explore exciting opportunities in its professional space since the past 50 years. Working with Draftsman, Engineers, and Designers to solve their difficulties in the design by creating 3D miniature models as per clients needs builds the confidence and trust among the clients and in the industry as well.

An Achievement

The faith, confidence shown by clients, in 1985 was a proud moment as the only model makers from India who has EXHIBITED a giant fertilizer plant model which was designed and constructed by LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD at the International Achema 85 held in Frankfurt, Germany.

Mr D A Godse continued to inspire their partners in the business and cementing company’s name as the leaders in the Model Making Indusrty. Timely guidance by senior partner and confidence shown in the work, helped clients to solve their problems achieve their goals.

Trust Confidence

With growing trust from its clients on company started cementing its own space in the Miniature industry. Year by Year company started making difficult and complex miniature model projects for various industries be it Engineering giants, Chemical companies, Architects, EPC contractors, Govt Agencies. It also helps to build confidence among clients and designers.

With continuous support and trust from client company becomes a trusted model making partners for all those who always display their products in different exhibitions all over the world. With the help of these miniature models clients can exhibit their designing capabilities and their engineering capacity to the world. Well crafted miniature model keeping in mind designing aesthetics and engineering concepts were well appreciated by clients from all over the world.

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How Miniature Model can help to sell your product at Exhibitions
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